Velocity - Chapter 1

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  Dr. Elijah Jackson watched as the final heat shield was added to the Velocity, the newest research vessel of the Terran Representative Organization. The TRO is an alliance of nations with the purpose of colonizing other planets. The crew was due to embark onto the Velocity the next day. Almost all of the tests had been completed, resulting in a skeleton crew working on last minute checks. Things were finally starting to come together, Elijah thought. Captain Bodhi Stevens wore a smile on his face as he walked up to Elijah, carrying a comtab with the latest results of the test progress. He was accompanied by First Lieutenant Aly Long.

  "The progress looks great. There is almost nothing left on our checklist." said Bodhi. He moved his finger on the comtab and it displayed only a few unchecked items on a long list of things to do.

  Elijah nodded, "The heat shields are almost done. The only thing left for us is a good night's sleep."

  "That's easier said that done," said Aly. "I am too excited for this project to really start." She rolled her feet between the ball of her heels and her toes, in apparent excitement. As the second in command, and part of the security team, she was itching to go start the exploration of the planet.

  "I've been working really hard on our little mission over here!" Elijah said, laughing. "As, we all have, of course. Don't expect to have to use your weapon too much, Lieutenant. This is just going to be a research mission. We don't expect any fauna on 44 Testudas Cc."

  "A girl can hope." said Aly. "Where is Riel?" she asked Elijah.

  "Lieutenant Riel is doing a security check on the Velocity."

  "No one requested that." said Bodhi, with a shrug. "Desmond. Always taking the initiative. Good for him. He seemed a little stir crazy, waiting for us to go."

  "It seems like he's not the only one. Joshua was up there, too. He's a great worker, obviously, but he has been working extra hard. I think he's looking for a pay rise to save for your new house." said Elijah to Aly.

  Aly nodded, "We're both working on that. It's not cheap, is it? At least our honeymoon is set." She smiled. "I hope Testudas has some nice beaches."

  "Well, I hope you're packed. I know I am." said Elijah. Bodhi and Aly smiled as they walked away.

  Bodhi and Aly stumbled upon Second Lieutenant Desmond Riel in the hall. Riel was looking down at the floor in contemplation as they came up to him.

  "Riel!" said Bodhi, grabbing him by surprise.

  "Hello, Captain." replied Riel. "Is something wrong?"

  "No. How was your security check?"

  "oh. Umm, nothing out of the ordinary."

  "Get a good night's sleep, Lieutenant."

  "Of course." Riel said, dryly.

  The next morning, the crew arrived at the docking bay. Eleven people were lined up, facing the ship. There was a group on TRO mission control staff awaiting the departure. Bodhi and Elijah stood in front of the crew. They walked up to the start of the line to the first crew member to confirm that they were ready.

  "First Lieutenant Aly Long. Status, please." said Bodhi.

  "Ready. My weapon was serviced. My gear is onboard. Security clearances set up. Final walkthrough complete."

  "Second Lieutenant Desmond Riel. Status, please."

  "Ready, sir. My weapon was serviced. My gear is onboard. The armory is stocked."

  "Joshua Long. Status, please."

  "Ready. My tools and equipment are onboard. Final engine tests were passing complete."

  "Anissa Nazari. Status, please."

  "Ready, Captain. My lab equipment is onboard. I have biological samples onboard."

  "Pete Williamson. Status, please."

  "We're ready. My language archives are uploaded to our systems."

  "Ryuji Shimizu. Status, onegaishimasu."

  "Hai. Ready. My tools are on the ship. My robots is onboard. My equipment is onboard."

  "Ai Wu. Status, please."

  "Ready, Captain. My consultation room is set up and my medicine is onboard. As are my books."

  "Kamala Brimble. Status, please."

  "Good to go. My medicine and supplies are in the medical bay. Our medical literature is uploaded to the system. The bay has everything that I requested. Thank you."

  "April June. Status, please."

  "Ready, Bodhi. All I needed was a computer and something to write on." Captain Bodhi gave her a side glance. "I mean, Captain Stevens." She smiled.

  "Hans Schreiber. Status, please."

  "Ready, sir. The systems have been uploaded mit sie data from our archives. Research reference material ist available to us now."

  "Rose Camisa. Status, please."

  "Ready to go. All my junk is on board."

  Bodhi looked at her. "All of it?" He said in an accusatory manner.

  "Well not that thing that you told me not to bring." Rose said. Bodhi stared at her for a long five seconds to see if he can see any deception. He turned to Elijah.

  "Status, please."

  "Ready, Captain. I have my research, star charts, and other equipment on the Velocity."

  Bodhi nodded. He looked at the group of the TRO mission control staff. "StatusAll Ready." They nodded at him and started scurrying out of the shuttle bay to the mission control room. The crew of thirteen boarded the ship and the door closed. They took their seats and mission control announced the launch countdown. It was fairly unceremonious, as they had sent out many ships before and the big event would not happen for several days. This mission was different since they had to leave the solar system to try out the new warp drive. The new technology was yet to be tested with a real ship holding passengers. Their goal is to survey the planet 44 Testudas Cc to start their first colonization.