Velocity Outline

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The research vessel The Velocity has a goal of jumping far in space to start an expedition to colonize other planets. Upon jumping, an explosion occurs on the ship and they are sent somewhere strange (later shown to be the future). They happen upon an advanced civilization who has the technology to communicate with them. The civilization works to try to get them back home, though they do not know where it is. They must work together to try to figure it out.

The end of the story, you learn that this is humanity in the future (200 years or so), after colonizing planets are maintaining their role in the universe. The new civilization hides the truth from the crew because they are unsure of what to do about it.

The ship engine has a plate on it that says "Kibu" (a play on the word Ubik). During an explosion, the ship can experience similar phenomena in Ubik with time regression.

Chapter 1
The Velocity takes off and attempts to create a wormhole to go to a far away place for their missing. Immediately upon the jump, an explosion happens and a strange feeling comes upon the ship. They scramble to investigate the issue and another explosion happens and everything stops. They look outside and appear to be in a strange place.

Chapter 2
Soon after, a strange ship comes upon them and attempts to communicate with them. The technology difference makes it difficult. They physically leave the ship, floating in space, and uses the control panel on the outside of a door to close the interior door and open the exterior. They go in, the exterior door closes, and the people open the interior door and investigates.